Thursday 25 September 2014

Sticky cranberry and orange glazed tofu

I had to throw out a jar of cranberry sauce a couple of months ago.  It had sat there since Christmas.  When I bought another jar for our Christmas in July, I was determined not to let this one linger quite so long.  Hence my interest in a recipe for a Leftover Cranberry Soy Sauce Tofu.

I misread the recipe and put in apple cider vinegar instead of apple cider.  Oops!  No wonder it was quite sour tasting.  I added some orange juice from some manky old oranges.  That seemed to fix it.

The first night I served it with rice and steamed broccoli.  It was good but I had fried the tofu too much and there wasn't enough sauce.  The second night, with a bit more time for sides, I made a carrot salad (like this) and fried the tofu so that there was plenty of sauce.  It didn't look as good under the blanket of sauce but tasted so much better.

I am sending this tofu to Healthy Vegan Fridays #14, hosted by Kimmy of Rock my Vegan Socks and Robin of Vegan Dollhouse.  Meanwhile I am off on holiday but have scheduled my last few Vegan MoFo posts to round off the month.

More tofu recipes from Green Gourmet Giraffe:

Sticky cranberry and orange glazed tofu
Adapted from Healthy Happy Life
Serves 4

500g firm tofu
1/2 cup cranberry sauce
juice of 2 oranges
1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 tsp mustard powder
1 garlic clove, crushed
dash of freshly grated nutmeg
3 Tbsp olive oil, for frying

Press tofu (I did this for an hour but more would be better.)  Cut into 0.5cm slices.  Mix remaining ingredients in a shallow dish.  Marinate tofu in this mixture for about 1 day (I did this for about 6 hours.).  When ready to fry, heat oil over medium heat in a large frypan.  Lay tofu slabs side by side (I had to do it in two batches to fit into my frypan that is about 22-23cm in diameter.)  Spoon a little marinade over it.  Fry tofu until well browned on each side.  Pour in remaining marinade and cook until the marinade has reduced to a thick sauce.  Serve tofu with marinade sauce.

On the stereo:
Blonde on Blonde: Bob Dylan

This post is part of Vegan Month of Food September 2014.  This year for Vegan MoFo my theme is The Letter S.  Today is S for Sticky Thursdays.  Go to my Vegan MoFo list for more of my 2014 Vegan MoFo posts.


  1. I made the apple cider/vs vinegar mistake recently too, as well using red wine vinegar instead of rice wine vinegar. Your tofu sounds like it turned out pretty good :)

  2. This looks delicious - beautiful flavours. I think tofu is much maligned - but I like it.

  3. After my recent teriyaki tofu sauce challenges, I relate to the not enough sauce scenario! This looks really delicious though - very much my kind of tofu. I almost want to buy cranberry sauce just to make it.

  4. That looks totally delicious especially in the second meal when it's all saucy. Yum!

  5. These look deliciously sweet and sticky. Not sure how I can tell from the pix that they are sweet, but I can! YUM.

  6. Yummo this sounds delicious - love sticky tofu :-)


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