Monday 21 November 2011

MLLA Avocado soy rotis

I am a cautious person.  Yet in cooking I often try to run before I can walk.  Plain food doesn't interest me.  I love a quirky addition.  Take roti for instance.  I've meant to make it for ages.  It has always seemed a challenge.  Then I see a version with both avocado and soy flour.  I must try this.  My sort of challenge!

The rotis were a fine companion over the weekend (if you don't take the metaphor too literally or I would seem heartless to eat my companion)!  I made the dough on Friday night to have with some leftover pumpkin, corn and tomato soup.  I only made a few because I was tired.  I was happy to dive into them while Sylvia watched In the Night Garden before bed.  The remaining dough went in the fridge.

The next day my friend Yarrow came for lunch.  He has experimented with roti far more than me.  I was disorganised so while I prepared pea and lentil salad, Yaz rolled and fried the roti, while keeping a small child away.  He advised that we dry fry and brush with melted ghee, or, as in my case, butter.  I had fried them with a spay of oil the previous night.  He looked up atta flour that was in the recipe and found that my substitution of bread flour and wholemeal flours was quite appropriate for this strong flour. 

It was raining so heavily when we went shopping that we couldn't park near my favourite Turkish bread shop so I had to buy a teeny one at the supermarket.  As it was, with the remains of the pumpkin bread, we had plenty.  With the vegies, dips, coconut bacon and rotis, it was a far too much for us.  A very pleasant lunch and I was pleased that Sylvia enjoyed eating the roti.
I took the last roti or two down to my parents place on Saturday.  We drove down in pouring rain and nibbled on roti before we had pizza for dinner.  The next day was a birthday lunch for my nieces, Grace and Ella.  The rotis were finished but the sun shone and my mum made us an excellent Mexican feast.  I helped the girls make a special birthday cake.  More about that soon.

The rotis weren't as difficult as I had thought, and seem so similar to this tortilla recipe so I might try it soon.  I think there will also be more rotis soon in our house.  I have noticed that Suma has posted some potato rotis at Veggie Platter as well.  I am sending these rotis to Simone of Briciole for My Legume Love Affair #41, founded by Susan of The Well Seasoned Cook.  I found these rotis via the last edition of MLLA and hope someone else might discover them in this round up.

Previously on Green Gourmet Giraffe
This time last year: Leonard Cohen, rice salad and the great outdoors
This time two years ago: Pizza for the Impatient
This time three years ago: Nut roast with chestnuts

Avocado Soy Rotis
Adapted from Veggie Platter with good advice from My Indian Food
Makes 10 rotis

1 avocado
1/4 cup water
1 cup soy flour
1/2 cup wholemeal flour
1/2 cup white bread flour
1/2 tsp salt flakes
1/4 tsp smoked paprika
1/4 tsp mustard powder
oil or melted ghee/butter for rotis to fry the rotis

Place avocado pulp and 1/4 cup water in a food processor and blend, scraping down a few times.  Add flours, salt and spices.  Continue to process until a greenish ball of dough forms.  Add a little extra water if needed.

Cover for at least 20 minutes or leave overnight in the fridge wrapped in clingwrap.  Cut dough into 10 small pieces.

Roll out each piece - my dough was on the sticky side so it needed quite a bit of flour. 

Fry on a medium to hot frypan until the dough puffs slightly and brown spots appear on the underside.  This should only take a minute or two.  The first lot I did I sprayed the pan with oil (see photo).

The second lot I did, we dry-fried and then brushed with melted butter.  Serve warm.

On the Stereo:
Live at KLRU Studios: Beirut


  1. A brilliant, colorful, and healthy recipe, Johanna. Your parents' garden is exactly the kind of lush, billowing, secret space which I miss daily when I left home and moved to a condo. Someday, when we get a house, I can exploit my gardening chops again. Thanks for the glimpses into your world of tumbling, latticed roses, and sharing your tasty meals. It's been too long since I've visited you. Hope you are all well.

  2. I love the sound of these roti with avocado! I've never seen anything like it. I've never made roti because it seems too daunting, though I've made tortillas (somewhat successfully) a couple of times.

  3. They're beautiful! I've been wanting to make roti at home since Steph blogged about it a couple of years ago. Since then I've bookmarked a plainer recipe from Poh's Kitchen. I hope I can find the time this summer...

  4. That's a colorful meal. Thanks for trying those avocado rotis.
    A small tip. If the dough is sticky, add some wheat flour to it and rest for a few minutes.

  5. oh my god Johanna, this is way way creative! And the coconut bacon!! I am making this soon.

  6. I love the way you leap into things - in part because you always seem to be successful and it makes me feel safer in my own leaping efforts! These certainly were worth the effort, by the looks of things.

    Also, whose garden is in the 4th photo?? It's gorgeous!

  7. Haha I'm with you Johanna! I love a quirky addition and the avocado is inspired! :)

  8. Your roti's look gorgeous! I haven't heard of an avocado roti before but recently tested some spinach roti's which were great. I'll have to give these ones a try one day.

    PS. Not sure if you will get 2 comments from me as blogger did something weird when I tried to post a comment earlier.

  9. Thanks Susan - my parents' garden inspires me to have more of a garden too - one day! it is lovely to spend time out there and great to hear from you - these have been busy days here and I guess the same is true of you

    Thanks Ashley - I think if you have made tortilla you can make roti - just based on what I have read - I have been daunted by both but this has given me a confidence boost!

    Thanks Lisa

    Thanks Cindy - they are a good summer bread alternative when you don't want to turn on the oven

    Thanks Suma - was pleased the rotis added a little colour of their own - will try and knead a bit more flour in if they are so sticky next time I try them - I assume that would mean we would need less flour to roll them out?

    Thanks Anh - I am on a roll but without the time I need - sigh!

    Thanks Lorraine - quirky is best :-)

    Thanks Mel - I only saw them a week or so ago and had to try them, esp as avocados are in season and so lovely right now - spinach rotis sounds great (only got 1 comment so blogger was just messing with you)

  10. I make roti a lot but now feel ever so boring as I make plain ordinary flour and water ones - sometimes I bravely add a bit of oil but thats about it. Avocado - what a fabulous idea! I really should get more creative!!!!!

  11. I like the flavour of avocado but not the texture so these look fab! I love how they are also slightly green even when cooked

  12. Thanks Kari - that photo is my parents' backyard - nice you think I am always successful with my leaping into recipes - I regret it isn't the case but I think years of experiences helps

    Thanks Liz - oh I am impressed you make roti a lot - I wish I could make this claim - highly recommend you try the avocado

    Thanks Katie - how interesting - I like the texture of avocado when it is the right ripeness but I know that it is odd when it is not quite ripe enough - but I do love the colour and how it colours these rotis

  13. I love the photo of the garden! I have rotis in my list of food I would like to try: I really like the color of the ones you made and I like that you used the dough over a period of time. I must look for soy flour now. Thank you so much for contributing to MLLA.


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