Sunday 22 June 2008

Pumpkin in a Smoothie!

Recently stumbled across the idea of pumpkin in a smoothie. Crazy idea but it just might work.

Apricot nectar leftover from making my solstice cake. Must be used.

Picked up frozen raspberries at the supermarket. Wish they were in season.

Yaz visits for lunch bringing some of his haul of cheap bananas. Might as well throw one in.

Served in one of the new neofolk glasses I received from Will a few weeks back. Love them!

Deliciously sweet and thick. Highly recommended.

Raspberry, Apricot and Pumpkin Smoothie
Serves 3


125g pumpkin, peeled, microwaved til soft and cooled
1 cup apricot nectar
1 cup frozen raspberries
1 banana, peeled and broken up

I am sending this to Jeanne at Cooksister for Waiter There's Something in My ... Berries.

On the Stereo:
Son of Evil Reindeer: The Reindeer Selection


  1. Interesting. Will have to try this out. No microwave though... Will find another way. :)

  2. Well, I would never have thought of making a pumpkin smoothie, but this does sound interesting. I always enjoy your recipes, so I will trust you on this one :)

  3. I would never have thought of using pumpking in a smoothie, but if it tastes that good I will definitely try it! I love the glass - very pretty.

  4. So funny--I was just saying to the HH the other day that I recall a pumpkin soymilk coming out in the US around Thanksgiving, and wishing we had it here! Your idea sounds much, much nicer. And great for any season. Love those glasses, too--they are gorgeous!

  5. thanks Wendy - I did mean to say that the best alternative is probably steaming it - boiling it makes it too watery and I am not sure that roasting would be right for this

    thanks Lisa - I think pumpkin added some sweetness to the smoothie but it wasn't the dominant flavour - I am keen to have a few more experiments but was so fascinated by the idea I thought I would post it anyway

    thanks Lysy - yes the glasses are lovely and the pumpkin idea is good if you have some pumpkin hanging around (which I often do)

    thanks Ricki - I imagine the pumpkin soymilk would have had a lot of those pumpkin pie spices - you could easily add them (and some soy milk) to this but I like my fruit (and veg) in smoothies unadulterated - although I was tempted to try it with the oat and yoghurt combo that I learnt from Lisa and Holler which was delish!

  6. Hi Johanna,

    Pumpkin in a smoothie really makes sense. I must try it as I always have some leftover roast squash from making butternut squash and lentil dal.

    I'm not overly keen on banana so I'm really pleased to have gained a new idea for smoothie thickening too!

  7. Wow! This sounds quite good. I've never imagined using pumpkin in this way, but I can imagine that it pairs quite well with the apricot nectar and raspberries. Definitely something to try....

  8. thanks Sophie - I did use banana in this because had some to use up but I would like to try it without as I suspect it would work just as well - would be interested to hear how it goes if you do it with roast pumpkin!

    thanks CookinPanda - I only recently happened across the idea for pumpkin in a smoothie which seemed weird but good!

  9. Pumpkin. In a smoothie. Just as I think I've heard all the ways to get more vegetables in your diet, I this week read about people eating salad for breakfast and then see your pumpkin smoothie. Brilliant idea Johanna.

  10. Thanks Kathryn - found the idea on the internet so thought it was a good one to share because it is so unusual but for a pumpkin-lover such as myself it is irresistable!

  11. Wow - now who would have thought to put pumpkin in a smoothie?? But as you say, the more I think about it the more sense it makes. Thanks for a quirky contribution to this month's WTSIM!

  12. How unusual! I like pumpkin, apricots, raspberries and bananas, so why not put them together. :D Great idea!

  13. Sounds like a crazy combination but it's really all about finding new flavors. Hope to try this soon.

  14. thanks Jeanne - it is a crazy idea but it does seem to work

    thanks Dragon - hope you enjoy!

    thanks Jude - it is a new idea for me too but I am sold on it!

  15. I made this smoothie for a brunch at our church and everyone loved it, two people even asked for the recipe. This is such a great dairy free idea that I am definitely going to make again. Thanks for blogging about it!!!

  16. thanks Anon - glad it was a winner - sounds like you eat well at your church brunches :-)


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