Monday 8 December 2008

MM: Cherry Banana Muffins

Some recipes demand I run out to the shops for ingredients. Others come to me because I am inspired by what I already have at home. As I was doing laps at the pool on Sunday and thinking about baking, I was cursing silently that I didn’t have any dried cherries to make AOF’s muffins. Then with great joy I remembering I had fresh cherries at home. I was thankful that ‘tis the season of summer and stone fruit. Another excuse to use my cherry pitter!

We don’t routinely have bananas in the house but I had a need for them because I bought fresh white fluffy bread which makes me think of childhood sandwiches of bananas and sugar on white bread. So I headed home with some bananas and set about devising a recipe for what I had at hand to make the muffins. Lately I have endeavoured to find ways to use up surplus cream and milk. Now suddenly it seemed there was no dairy in the house so the muffins were dairy-free by chance.

The muffins were intended for work snacks. As I had made a few indulgent baked treats lately, I wanted something wholesome and healthy. The results were delicious. Slightly spicy and barely sweet. The cherries are juicy and the bananas give a little extra sweetness and softness. If I make them again, I might add another tablespoon of sweetner but I enjoy them with minimal sweetness.

Dee at the Daily Tiffin is hosting this Monthly Mingle with low-sugar sweet treats at the theme. I have only just seen she has asked for posts by today so I am posting it quickly because these muffins seem so perfect for the event.

Cherry Banana Muffins
Makes 24 mini muffins

1 cup self raising flour
½ cup oatmeal
½ tsp baking powder
2 medium bananas, mashed
1 cup fresh cherries, pitted and chopped
3/8 cup canola oil
1 egg
1 tbsp golden syrup (or other sweetner)
Zest of half a lime
½ tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp finely grated nutmeg
Pinch of salt

Place dry ingredients in mixing bowl and mix. Mix all wet ingredients in a small bowl or large jug. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients and lightly fold in till just combined. Spoon mixture into mini muffin pans. Bake in moderate oven (180 C) for about 20 minutes or til a skewer comes out clean. Cool on wire rack.

On the stereo:
The Corn Years: Death in June


  1. I can't think of anything better than a muffin with fresh cherries in it! You're so lucky to have them in abundance. They're incredibly expensive here in the summer and I hoard them like diamonds, eating them plain just to enjoy each one!

  2. Wow - you've been busy! These sound delicious and I particularly like the idea of adding lime to them. I hope they add a little treat to your day!

  3. Glad you enjoyed the muffins. I can't resist just eating the fresh one and spitting the pips if possible :) Out of season the best dried ones I've found are biodynamic, very expensive but even better than some of the fresh variety in flavour!

  4. Mmmm muffins. And very low sugar content muffins are even better!

  5. mmmm I love the combo of bananas and cherries. I am so jealous of your season right now! Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!

  6. Thanks Ricki - I felt very lucky to have cherries in season instead of having to hunt down dried cherries - they still aren't dirt cheap but not too bad at $12 a kilo

    Thanks Lysy - the lime didn't shine much - but I think it probably added a bit - limes are cheap at the moment too so I could afford to squander one :-)

    Thanks AOF - the muffins are going down very well here (even with E) but I am looking forward to more cherries over summer as I love them au natural as well!

    Thanks Vegetation - I am amazed how good they taste with so little sugar but I think the fruit add sweetness

    Thanks VeganCowGirl - I would send you some cherries if I could but I will just have to enjoy some on your behalf!

  7. Just bought a case of organic cherries so expensive that I am afraid to tell my bloke just how much it cost. Still. They are worth the cash-ola. Every cent.

    These look fabulous - and I love the low sugar-content. Golden syrup AND cherries...brilliant.

  8. These sound and look delightful. I bet they would be good with dried cranberries or cherries too.

  9. thanks Lucy - these muffins are so good that there aren't many left and I am thinking about another batch of fruit muffins this weekend! (even E really likes them unfortunately) But I wouldn't use precious organic cherries in them!

    thanks lisa - I am sure dried cherries or cranberries would be great - they were dried in the original recipe that inspired me - but I also think that tinned cherries might be good in them!


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