Tuesday 11 November 2014

Peach crumble revisited

The other night Sylvia was watching ABC3 - she is a big girl now!  The show was the Legend of Dick and Dom and they were encountering the Neehi Tribe.  This tribe of children forbade vegetables, fruit and bedtime.  All they ate was chips.  Yep!  That sounded very familiar.  Well the chips did!  Sylvia sometimes recoils at vegies but mostly she doesn't do too badly!  On the night I made peach crumble, she asked for broccoli and peas, and then swiped a cucumber I was nibbling on.  In one of those fickle moments she was more fussy about dessert than her mains.

Like many meals these days, the peach crumble was not planned.  My mum left a cupcake holder at our place.  Sylvia put a few peaches and said we needed enough to fill it.  Before I knew it I was at the supermarket buying up on peaches.  It was fun for a bit.  Then I wondered what to do with them.  Despite my last attempt at peach crumble being disappointing, I decided to have another go.

Let me tell you how much I loved this crumble!  Sylvia and I had some when E was still on his way home.  I hatched a plot to tell him we never made the crumble, hide it in the oven (he would never look there) and eat it all myself.  Mwahahaaaaa!

This time the crumble was lighter which I think suited the delicate white peaches.  The peaches were almost ready to eat rather than the tougher ones last time.  They just melted in my mouth and left a delicious pink juices pooling on the bottom of the dish.  It was a very lightly sweetened crumble.  The flavour of soft juicy baked peaches was so magnificent that I didn't think they needed much sugar.

This is a crumble for fruit lovers.  It didn't have enough crumble for E or Sylvia.  In fact Sylvia took a dislike to the peach skin because the slices of peach were too large for her.  But I could have eaten the whole crumble.  It was that good.  It was nice the next day but not as superb as the first night. 

I don't do much baking with stone fruit.  I love it fresh so much that I am always loathe to bake with it.  This experience showed me that baking with stone fruit early in the season is the best time for it.  The fruit has not yet reached its peak and it feels like the season will last forever.  I'd love to make this again but we are eating the peaches at some rate.  Maybe next year!

I am sending this crumble to:

Previous fruit crumbles on Green Gourmet Giraffe:

Peach Crumble
A Green Gourmet Giraffe recipe adapted from here.

10 medium peaches (I used white)
2 tbsp castor sugar
1 tbsp cornflour

1/3 cup wholemeal flour
1/3 cup almond meal
1/3 cup dessicated coconut
1/3 cup coconut sugar (or raw sugar)
80g butter or margarine

Preheat oven to 180 C.  Roughly chop peaches and mix with sugar and cornflour in a 23cm square dish.  Rub the butter into the flour, almonds, coconut and sugar until you have lots of buttery lumps.  Scatter over the peaches.  Bake for 30 to 40 minutes or until crumble is golden brown.  Eat warm or at room temperature.

On the Stereo:
Thursday's Fortune: Club Hoy


  1. I'm really missing summer peaches after seeing this! Wonder if I could make it with frozen....

    1. Thanks Joanne - I am sure frozen would work - have never had frozen peaches so couldn't say for sure

  2. Hehe that Neehi tribe sounds interesting! I loved chips as a child too-I couldn't get enough of them :P And we love white peaches in this household too! :D

    1. Thanks Lorraine - I loved chips as a child too but they weren't everywhere like they seem to be now - just in fish and chip shops and Maccas :-)

  3. oh yum, i love crumbles, no peaches here but a pear one is definitely doable

    1. Thanks Cate - I guess pear will have to do - hopefully you will get some peaches in summer (can you see my fruit hierarchy!!!)

  4. I love peaches......peach crumble sounds heaven on a plate..... I can imagine it warm served with a coconut cream custard!

    1. Thanks Kate - we often have crumbles with custard but this one just had a little yoghurt and was good enough to eat without it - it was quite a bit lighter than some of the winter crumbles I love to do.

  5. I need to get into this vegan blog party! This looks so great. All it needs is a big dollop of coyo and I would be set every night! With this weird weather I feel like I could eat it for breakfast x

    1. Thanks Cass - indeed it would make an excellent breakfast and am sure coyo would work well with it

  6. yep I'm a crumble fan too. I always pick the big bits off before serving to others...

    1. Thanks Veganopoulous - I think I would be shot down in flames if I tried to take the big bits of crumble - E and Sylvia love them (and our kitchen is too open for removing the good stuff before I serve)

  7. I am another worshipper at the temple of all things crumble. As it's autumn over here, it's apple and blackberry - I envy you the sun and the stone fruit that comes with it!

    1. Thanks Joey - crumbles are the best - apple and blackberry sounds just lovely but I am all excited about stone fruit right now.

  8. This looks so delicious ♥ My family are huge crumble fans. I've made at least 10 this Autumn/Fall with apples from our garden. It's been an amazing year for home grown fruits.
    I've never had a peach crumble before. Sadly the peaches we get over here in the UK tend to be really bland in taste. Maybe cooking them is the way to go. I'll have to give it a try next summer x

    1. Thanks Sharon - I often think fresh stone fruit is the best but as these were early in the season and from the supermarket, I think they were better in the crumble - hope this will work for you next summer! And apple crumble from your own trees sounds heavenly

  9. Yum, I am sure I would love this - I adore peaches.

    1. Thanks Cakelaw - hope you are enjoying the start of peach season too

  10. This makes me so jealous! I miss stone fruit and can practically taste those sweet juices in the bottom of your crumble dish.
    Looks scrumptious!

    1. Thanks Emma - oh those juices were so good - I was quite pleased the others weren't so into them - more for me :-)

  11. Thanks Mihl - sorry to give you summer envy - I have been seeing all the lovely summer produce all winter and am so ready for it - esp as I find the fruit at the end of winter/start of spring gets a bit dull. I have the theory about the bell curve of kids eating where they try everything and then reject everything - but then I think a lot of them get over it - sylvia is having some good eating lately but with a little push!

  12. Oh yum! This sounds like a delightful crumble. So warm and comforting. Mmm.
    Thank you for sharing this at Healthy Vegan Fridays! I have shared & pinned your recipe.

    1. Thanks Kimmy - it was so good - thanks for sharing the post

  13. A crumble for fruit lovers would be just right for me. I really love the peaches in the cupcake holder too! Such a great way to hold and display fruit.

    1. Thanks Kari - I would love to display my fruit in a cupcake holder but it has gone back to my mum and we go through fruit so often that our fruit bowl is either overflowing or sadly emptying so I am not sure how the cupcake holder would cope!

  14. Boy that crumble of yours looks incredibly delicious! I like lightly sweetened crumble with tons of juicy fruit - these baked peaches sound lovely!

    1. Thanks Rika - baked peaches are so good - this crumble made me wonder why I don't do them more


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