Last year when I did
Vegan MoFo I was given two Liebster awards by
Danielle Joy and
Jasmine at Self Sufficiency Cafe. These are awards that bloggers share to encourage us to learn about and connect with new bloggers. I am all for fostering community in the blogosphere but it has taken me many months to get around to answering the questions that come with this award.
As the award was doing the round in Vegan MoFo when there is a flurry of vegan blogging, the awards had quite a few questions about being vegan. Umm ... I am vegetarian rather than vegan. So I have slightly changed a few questions to reflect this and I have also combined a few questions from both Danielle and Jasmine into the first one before going onto their separate questions.
Why did you become vegan or vegetarian and how has it changed your life?
I have written about becoming vegetarian at length in my post
on being vegetarian.
Questions from Danielle Joy
Smith and Deli - Home Alone sandwich |
What vegan place would you recommend in your area?
Smith and Deli in Fitzroy is the vegan place I have to recommend on my side of Melbourne. It only opened a couple of weeks ago and on the occasions I have visited the queues have been crazy but the sandwich selection is amazing. Above is the Home Alone sandwich with mashed potato, vegan turkey, vegan stuffing, brussells sprouts, gravy and cranberry sauce.
What food could I wake you up with in the middle of the night for?
Grubs. No not witchety grubs. 'Grubs' is the term for one of my favourite childhood snacks made with cocoa, condensed milk, biscuits and coconut, and I still love them with a passion. When I think food in the middle of the night I think of midnight feasts with grubs that we had as a child. Now I have my own child I appreciate the midnight feasts don't always happen at midnight but they are still exciting.
'Grubs' |
Why did you start blogging?
Briefly, I wanted to have a space to share my recipes and notes. I have written more about
why I started blogging.
What’s the best vegan meal you’ve ever made? (link, please!)
Oh that is a hard question. So many great meals to choose from. One of my favourite meals is a roast dinner with
nut roast. So while I am not sure what is the 'best' meal I have ever made, I can nominate my favourite meal I have made to be the one where a friend and I made a roast with a
vegetarian hog's head. It was fun and amazing and delicious. (NB the nut roast was vegetarian but could be made vegan easily.)
Vegetarian hog's head |
What’s your favorite vegan dessert?
Chocolate pudding. It is a childhood favourite and I still love it. For those who need clarification, my chocolate pudding is a warm self saucing chocolate pudding.
What do you eat when having a savory snack attack?
Roast chickpeas! I mean to make lots of savoury snacks but often just end up with little packets of crunchy salted roast chickpeas that I often carry in my bag for emergencies.
What do you eat when having a sweet tooth craving?
This really depends what is in the house but sweet tooth cravings often involve chocolate. We usually have chocolate in the house so sometimes it is just a square of the stuff and other times if I have been baking it might be
slices or
Liz O'Brien's sausage rolls |
What do you serve non-vegans when they come over for dinner?
I am not the sort of cook with standard recipes I always make. If I really wanted to impress a veg-shy meat eater I might make some
sausage rolls but mostly I try something new.
Questions from Jasmine at Self Sufficiency Cafe
What food item could you not do without?
My first instinct was to say chocolate. Then I thought perhaps it should be something healthier like chickpeas or good bread. Honestly my list of kitchen staples is quite long so I am not sure I would do well to narrow it down to one item.
Celia's overnight sourdough bread |
What would be your last supper (you can have 3 courses)?
Nut roast with lots of crispy roast vegies, cauliflower cheese, green vegies and gravy. Then a rich dense chocolate cake with lots ganache (perhaps this
zucchini brownie with ganache and smoked walnuts) And to finish, a fruit platter with lots of stone fruit, pineapple, berries, apple and
dates stuffed with cashew cheese.
What is your favourite TV show?
Call the Midwife. The photography is so beautiful, the plots give such poignant insight into post war Britain and the characters are so complex, compassionate and awkward.
Who is your favourite comedian?
I don't have a stand-out favourite. Though perhaps Dave O'Neil who is a local legend. Or it could be Danny Kaye because first loves hold a special place in the heart and
The Court Jester is one of the first films I loved. I don't feel the same way about another childhood love, Jerry Lewis, but I still find
The Goodies and
Fawlty Towers hilarious.
Chocolate!!!! |
What is your favourite junk food?
Chocolate - any sort will do - but my favourite guilty pleasure is possibly the
What ingredient had you never heard of until you went vegan or vegetarian?
I was already doing quite a lot of vegetarian cooking when I went vegetarian many years ago. However my favourite discovery in vegan cooking is probably nutritional yeast flakes. I love cheese and these flakes have made it possible for me to eat lots of yummy vegan cheese sauces and less dairy cheese.
Street art - Fitzroy pool |
What is your favourite smell?
Oh smells are so evocative. I love fresh-baked bread, chlorine at the pool, and jasmine in spring.
What is a typical Sunday like for you?
I met someone who went to the same cafe every Sunday and was quite amazed. I don't have a typical Sunday. Sylvia loves to have
pancakes on Sunday morning which we do if there is time. We often might watch some telly in the evening. However Sundays might be just lazy days to sit in front of a movie, or a meal at my mum's or a day out in the city.