Friday 12 June 2015

IT Reflections: Apple Photos, Cake Fails, Zomato, Blog Updates and Quicklinks

If there is any constant in the online world, it is that software will continue to change and develop.  It will also continue to surprise, horrify and delight me.  Today I have a few issues to discuss (or even rant about): the introduction of Photos software by Apple to replace iPhoto, what is a 'cake fail', replacing UrbanSpoon with Zomato, mobilaggedon, and some updates on my blog.  And a few quicklinks to make you think and smile.

Blog updates:
Let's start with a few small blog updates and a wish for more time to work on tweaking my blog:
  • I have updated my Favourites page to sort the savoury meals into categories and reflect my current cooking.
  • I added some children's books to the Child Friendly Almanac page.
  • I spent time fiddling around with icons and tables to upload Follow Me buttons for Facebook, Pinterest and Delicious on my sidebar.  (inspired by Where's the Beef's buttons).  As usual there is always more to do.

Apple replaces iPhoto with Photos
Back in April I updated myMacBook operating system and found that Apple has replaced iPhotos with Photos.  It was very disconcerting and I still miss iPhoto.  I miss being able to organise my photos into events with a decent sized thumbnail that will flick through the collection of photos when I hover on it, and I miss sorting my photos by title.  Some of the editing functions in Photos are better now that they are together like crop and tilt. 

I read this article explaining how the new Photos software is very basic but gradually updates will introduce new features so that eventually it will be better than iPhoto.  This is frustrating in the short term but it is good to understand how software is updated online.  Meanwhile I have had to adjust some practices and suddenly have found that searching and archiving photos has become slower.

What is a cake fail?
A while back I was laughing at some photos of cake fails when I found one of my photos included as a fail.  I initially kept laughing and then sobered up.  I have no delusions about my ability as a photographer and I know that my skills had been even worse before I started blogging.  However I shared this photo from years back to document ideas in birthday cakes rather than brilliance in decoration or photography.

More pertinent I question the title 'cake fail'.  It is one of those moments when the internet seems impersonal and cruel.  Would the author say this to me if they knew me?  Probably not.  And if they did I would point out (calmly I would hope) that actually it was not a fail because I had fun decorating the cake with my little niece and she had loved her cake (even if today she says she doesn't remember the cake).  And the cake tasted good!

I made another castle cake this year.  I didn't let Sylvia help because I had a vision but part of me feels it would have been kinder to have just had fun decorating with her.  Everyone needs to learn and kids need to have fun.  The dark side of the internet is the pressure to appear perfect to people who don't know us without the space for learning or fun.

In fact I worry I fall for the internet's focus on style over substance.  Some of my best photos are not necessary the ones that are the most honest.  When I get out my food props and shove the clutter out of the way, I present food in a way that does not reflect my life.  In all honesty the lace tablecloth and dainty cup and saucer only come out for photos.  I never stack up choc chip cookies nor wrap muesli bars in pretty fabric except for a photo, and I only own doilies for food props.  I could go on and on about photos but will let you check out some other posts instead.

I felt some similar frustration about online preference for style over substance when I heard about mobilaggedon in April.  For those who did not hear the story, we heard that Google would start to privilege sites that were mobile-friendly, meaning the many site would disappear from Google searches.  I understand that more people are using mobile photos and websites should be developed with this in mind but quite frankly I don't do a lot of web surfing on my iphone because I much prefer a bigger screen for both reading and looking at images.

I know that Blogger (the blog platform I use) has a mobile-friendly version so I assume my blog (and most blogs) would not be affected.  However after spending a lot of time and effort in a previous workplace trying to ensure our website was mobile-friendly, I understand that for smaller organisations, it is not necessarily an easy ask.  I was reassured to hear an interview with the Google Communications Manager in Australia in which he said that Google had 200 factors that are used in ranking searches.  And quite frankly after grappling with issues of search on a website upgrade, I take my hat off to Google for how easy they have made it to search the web.

Zomato takes over UrbanSpoon
Another recent change in the webscape in Australia (and other countries) is the takeover of UrbanSpoon by Zomato.  I have found UrbanSpoon really useful for searching where to eat out so it made sense to share my blog posts on eating out on UrbanSpoon.  (In fact I wish I had started doing this earlier than 2014.)  So if you look for UrbanSpoon now, you will find yourself redirected to Zomato and all the information from UrbanSpoon has moved there.

I was contacted by one of the Melbourne marketing team to discuss the changes over a coffee.  I was really interested to hear that UrbanSpoon had been a small staff group of about 40 worldwide and Zomato was setting up an office of about 40 staff just in Melbourne.  Which means that there will be more visiting of restaurants by staff, more consistency in prices, menus and photos as well as some interesting options for searching by location.  So you may notice that where I had links to UrbanSpoon on eating out blog posts these have now changed to Zomato.  I will be interested to see how they develop.

Blogging and IT quicklinks
And while we are talking about blogging, it seems a good time to share some links about blogging

Some fun music videos
Finally if you have got this far through this post, you really want something to give you a smile.  Here are some fun videos:


  1. Indeed, I ponder the style vs substance aspect of blogging too. Thanks for the link list, I don't read much meta-blogging but the posts you collated were worth a read!

    1. Thanks Cindy - the links have been collected over quite some time - I quite like overviews on blogging but time is limited so don't get to read that much

  2. Have you seen Cake Wrecks? If not, google it. :)

    Great post, by the way. :)

    1. Thanks Snoskred - have seen cake wrecks - can see the humour but also feel a bit bad for those who are doing their best

  3. The internet is indeed a cruel place and one where people who don't bother to do things criticise others that do. If your cake was made with love and fun that is all that is needed. On another note Google has changed its photos app so now I can't access the photos from my blog on my phone. So annoying!

    1. Thanks Jibber Jabber - I think that I have enough of an internal critic without needing impersonal ones on the internet. That is frustrating for you about Google photos app - it is frustrating how the updates come without much warning (if you aren't in the techie world) and with even less consultation because there are too many users for individuals to seem important - at one stage I didn't update my computer and it went a little crazy so now I feel I have to do the updates if I want to use any software.

  4. I don't think the "cake fail" comment is bad in itself. It wasn't a personal attack. This person was commenting on your work and saying they didn't think it worked. They don't have to say it as they would to your face because you're not in that medium (and anyway, maybe they're a person that would feel perfectly comfortable making that comment in real life). I think your real issue is that your work was taken and judged out of context. That would upset me too. For what it's worth I thought the cake was cool.

    1. Thanks Anonymous - you are right that it was taken out of context as I showed it as old photos rather than new ones - and your comment about people who do such sites maybe being the ones who would say it to my face - if they did at least I would have an opportunity to reply. I actually enjoyed putting all the smarties on and so did my niece. Actually I wanted to make the comments about cake fails for others who don't have blogs to rant about them as much as for myself.

  5. As an old school geek (started using the 'net back in about 1991) I really dislike so many things about online communication and social media today, especially where things are automatically 'done' for you as a feature. The cake fail comment is also a good example of saying one thing online that you might not say in person (especially if you weren't aware it involved kids having fun)!

    1. Thanks Faye - online communications have got more and more slick and I was just talking about how now you have to have buttons on your blog or it is too hard for people to share stuff even though so much social media makes it really easy to share. And I don't think I have heard any conversations where people talk about cake fails because most face to face contact is more supportive than some of the impersonal talk on the web.

  6. Brilliant post Johanna, I have just opened a few of your links to have a look at and I love your cakes!

  7. What a full post, and lots I'm glad to read about (I like your reflections on the cake 'fails'). I hadn't heard about Zomato nor the possible bias against sites that aren't mobile friendly. Google and Android phones have also been playing with their photo software and Mr B was showing me this week how all his photos linked to his account can be searched now; i.e., if you search for a castle, it will bring up all photos with one. Clever, but a little disconcerting too!

    Last but not least, I love your new buttons. Mine need updating :S

    1. Thanks Kari - I think the google change with mobile were in Australia but don't know if they were international. It was a big news story here for a day or two. I haven't heard about the changes to photo software on phones but notice the Jibber Jabber also mentioned something about mobile photo software updates. It is disconcerting how clever the software is getting - sometimes I am in awe and sometimes I am very scared. And the buttons took me a while - am sure there are easier ways to do it (and more buttons I could include)

  8. Great post Johanna. I had not heard about any of these things. I don't understand the trolls - your cake looks fun and you and your niece had fun making it. If someone wants to look at professional cakes, then they should go to the sites of professional cake makers. I will check out a few of the links about blogging. Not sure about Zomato - I have got used to Urban Spoon! I long ago decided that I have no aspirations beyond having fun with my blog.

    1. Thanks Cakelaw - I think there is such a blurring of boundaries between personal and professional in the online world (such as personal blogs who look really professional) that our expectations get a bit confused. But I agree that you shouldn't expect professional photos from personal blogs. As for Zomato I have added a line to the post re that if you go to urbanspoon you will be redirected to Zomato - I am finding there are some new things to get used to in it and some good stuff.

  9. The internet is mean! I think both of your cakes look great! As someone who struggles with food photography, I honestly can't imagine why anyone would want to point out someone's supposed faults. *shakeshead*

  10. I think people on the internet need to lighten up. Not everyone's cakes can look like they came straight from Martha Stewart Weddings! And honestly, if they taste good who really cares what they look like.

  11. I've always loved the varacity of your blog. Can't wait to see your next novelty cake :)

    1. Thanks Tash - that is lovely - no new novelty cakes in the near future but stay tuned for when I next do one


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