Friday 21 September 2012

Awards and my ABC of photography

I have been remiss in acknowledging a couple of awards that I was sent a few months back.  As I have done many memes, I often like to given them a theme to avoid going over old ground.  Lately I have been thinking a lot about photographs so it seemed an obvious focus.

Mel from Veganise This awarded me a Food Stories Nominee award.  The award requires me to share a random fact about myself.

I remember my oldest sister's first ever photo.  My mum has on a green corduroy maternity dress.  Sylvia was taking photos by the time she was 2 year old.  My sister was much older but she must have been no more than 10 years old.  I thought she was very grown up to be using a camera.  I can't remember my first photo.  I just know that I didn't take many photos until I had my own camera.  I was probably around 16 years old.

The second award is the ABC Awesome Blog Content Award from Katie of Apple and Spice.  This one asks me to jot down some random facts about myself, one for every letter of the alphabet!  I did an ABC of me a few months back and it was fun.  I never say no to a nerdy wordy challenge so I decided to redo it with a new angle.  Photography.

a - Aperture - I play with it a little but still find it confusing
b - Blurry - usually in my hall of shame but occasionally I love some blur in a photo
c - Canon - I think I am now on my third or fourth Canon camera
d - Depth of field - I am experimenting with this
e - Exposure - not always easy, especially if I use manual rather than auto focus
f - Filter - very handy for protecting the lens (in most cases)
g - Google search by image - upload an image and see where else it is stored (or stolen) online
h - Hands - I don't like putting photos of faces on my blog but I find hands expressive
i - ISO - I don't understand this much but I play with it occasionally
j - Jargon - photography has its fair share
k - 'Kodak moment' - these are so much more common than they used to be
l - Lens - I have three for my DSLR - it seems both excessive and exciting
m - Macro lens - my newest toy - and I am loving it!
n - Natural light - it really does produce the best photos
o - Occasion - what is an occasion without photos!
p -Props - I seem to accumulate more and more
q - Quick - when Sylvia is 'helping', speed is of the essence
r - Reflections - frustrating when this comes from the fluorescent light in my kitchen
s - Strap - I love using mine, especially when I am paranoid I will drop the camera
t - Tripod - I bought one early in the year but have only just started to use it occasionally
u - Upload - I regularly upload images to my computer.  I rarely print them but make photo books occasionally
v - Viewfinder - I use the old fashioned viewfinder with my camera rather than the electronic screen
w - White balance - I have finally learnt what it is but I still find it hard to achieve
x - X-rated - the words I uttered after a bottle of water spilled over my last camera
y - Yousuf Karsh - a great portrait photographer
z - Zoom lens - excellent for keeping out of people's way and for the great outdoors

Thanks Mel and Katie.  Awards with memes are always fun.  Unfortunately I don't have the energy to pass on awards right now.  But you are welcome to take part in the ABC challenge if it tickles your fancy.


  1. Hi Johanna!
    Congrats on the awards! I don't remember the first time I used my very own camera. I do remember my younger sister being quite the camera buff though. I'm just awful when it comes to taking pictures and even worse at being photogenic, lol..

    I really enjoyed this post. I didn't know about that google image thing, good to know:)

    Thank you so much for sharing...Your blog looks terrific!!! Sylvia sure is getting big:)

    1. Thanks Louise - I heard about the google image thing recently and thought it useful though I haven't use it yet. I think my sisters were more into photography than me when we were young but I think am more into it than them now :-)

  2. I am now craving macarons thanks to that photo! I should make another batch soon - but to be honest - the outcome is so hit and miss for me that I remain a little intimidated by them.

    1. Thanks Lisa - I am intimidated by macarons too - they always look great and have a difficult reputation - maybe one day I will try them

  3. Great idea to use photos for the ABC challange. Love the pic of the macarons, so colourful

    1. Thanks Katie - was pleased you threw the challenge my way - it took me a while but I knew I would do it eventually :-)

  4. I really enjoy your meme choices Johanna! I've done a couple of them and they're fun :D

  5. Very well-deserved awards and lovely facts and A-Zs to go with them. I hope the exhaustion has passed though!

    1. Thanks Kari - not quite as exhausted as I was when I wrote this one - refreshed after a weekend :-)

  6. I loved your photography ABCs! My parents want to give me a DSLR for my graduation, and I'm very much looking forward to that!!! So I've been in interested in photography as well :)

    1. Thanks Kath - a DSLR is a great graduation present - am sure you will have lots of fun with it - I have found that mine helps me take clearer photos, even on auto which I mostly use

  7. Oh, I like your second ABC, nice idea Johanna.


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