Friday 26 April 2024

Street Art in Melbourne: Camberwell and Canterbury

We had a trip to a cafe in Camberwell in Melbourne's East recently.  Here are some photos of the street art while we were driving through the area.  

The above and directly below are from the Canterbury Road rail bridge near Canterbury Station.  The blue "Hope is not cancelled" was painted in 2022 by artist Nicole van Dijk and students from Strathcona Girls Grammar to reflect on the Covid pandemic. 

The above part of the Hope is not cancelled mural has such small details that it is for pedestrians rather than cars on the road.

Nearby is more artworks on the walls of the walkway through to Mailing Road and the Canterbury train station.  Jasper and Jinx is a fairy tale about a boy's adventure when his train arrives driven by a pixie.  It was painted in 2015 by Hayden Dewar and seems to be about a runaway train carriage that takes a boy to a pixie.  These pictures are only 3 of the 11.

My eye was taken by the text "If not now, when?" on this mural by Eric Sesto that I saw off Glen Iris Road beside The Old Garage cafe in Camberwell.  This is followed by "If not me, who?"  It refers to a quote by Jewish Rabbi Hillel over 2000 years ago.  This is still relevant today and in this mural seems to refer to animal rights.

Not quite street art, but I really liked this artwork on the wall of forecourt of Linger cafe in Camberwell.

This mural at the railway bridge at 1176 Toorak Rd, Glen Iris is on the border of Camberwll.  It has some lovely native flora and fauna, some old style businesses and the steam train in this above picture.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful diversity of artistic styles! These murals do so much to add character to our world. "If not me, who?" is very moving.


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