Monday 21 March 2016

Minions in Edinburgh

Minion fever ahoy!  Sylvia can't get enough of these cute little yellow guys with the big eyes.  She is loving all the minion merchandise in Edinburgh.  (Apologies to anyone who thought the title meant that the Minions were invading Edinburgh or that Gru had shrunk the castle and put it in his pocket or that the Scottish Parliament was enlisting the help of the Minions!)  And it is holidays and we might never have the opportunity again.

I can assure you that the top picture is a shop (Primark) and not our holiday flat, though Sylvia no doubt wishes it was the latter.  The rest of the pictures are purchases for the kitchen, the pantry, the bathroom and the wardrobe and her playthings.

Carry case



Bowl and plate

Yearbook - story and activities

Playing cards


Glue Sticks


Hat, top, leggings, socks

Pasta in a tin

Savoury snacks - pickled onion, salt and vinegar, cheese toastie

Spoon and fork

FRuit yoghurt in a tUBE = Frubes

Shower gel and electric toothbrush

And there is more that I haven't photographed - chocolate, pens, plasters, tic tacs etc.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Cakelaw - they are looking a bit grubby now!

  2. This is the cutest post! The minions are adorable, I like this phase that Sylvia is going through. I especially love her new outfit =D

    1. Thanks Kimmy - the new outfit is getting lots of wear.


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