Wednesday 19 June 2024

Cheesy broccoli, carrot and corn muffins

Instead of cooking dinner last night I baked a batch of muffins.  Perhaps it is the influence of the book I am reading (All that I Am by Anna Funder).  I loved reading about a character being given a depressing single serve of casserole covered in gladwrap; she had a slice of frozen cheesecake instead.  It sounds worthy of Sister Monica Joan whose wicked sweet tooth we are enjoying in the wonderful Call the Midwife on tv lately.  Our muffins, however, were savoury.

I had not planned to make the muffins for tea.  They were a spur of the moment thing.  One minute I was browsing recent blog entries and the next I realised that I had the ingredients for the recipe on Hungry Happens.  We love planning our week's meals but it is fun to feel inspired enough to leave the laptop and make the recipe.

It is also perfect weather for baking.  This morning the temperature dipped to 0.7 C with frosts predicted.  We rarely have to worry about frosts these days, unlike when I was growing up.  This is a week for blasting the heater and drinking hot cups of tea.  Having the oven on and the smell of muffins baking helps warm us.

I experimented with different flour that the usual white flour.  When I have tried different flours, chickpea flour is one of my favourites.  It tastes pleasant and has lots of protein and nutrients.  I was really pleased it worked with the wholemeal flour.  I find that wholemeal flour is a bit heavy all by itself but I am keen to use less white flour

The end result was a lovely soft muffin with lots of vegetable speckles.  Sylvia was not there when I was inspired to up and bake.  She was very pleasantly surprised when she came in and found there were warm muffins for tea.  We then talked about all the different vegetable combinations we might like to try in this recipe such as zucchini with corn and tofu bacon.  I have quite a few savoury recipes in my recipe index and this one is a fine addition.  We are looking forwards to having these again, maybe with soup next time.

More savoury muffin recipes on Green Gourmet Giraffe:

Cheddar, kale and facon muffins
Pumpkin miso muffins (v)
Savoury beetroot, carrot, chocolate and goats cheese muffins
Savoury carrot turmeric muffins (v) 
Smoky parsnip muffins
Sweet potato, 'feta' and sauerkraut muffins (v) 

Cheesey broccoli, carrot and corn muffins
Slightly adapted from Hungry Happens
Makes 12

Wet ingredients:

1 generous cup of finely chopped broccoli
1 medium carrot, grated (almost 1 cup)
1 cob of fresh corn kernels (about 1/2 cup)
1 and 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese
1/3 cup milk (I used soy)
1/3 cup Greek yogurt
1/4 cup olive oil
2 eggs

Dry ingredients:

1 cup wholemeal plain flour
1 cup besan (chickpea flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp dried parsley
1 tsp mustard powder
3/4 tsp salt

Grease or line 12 hole muffin tin.  Preheat oven to 180 C.
(NOTE: I baked mine at 190 C because my oven always bakes cooler than the average oven.)

Mix the wet ingredients in a large mixing bowl.  Stir in the dry ingredients.  The batter is quite thick but as the vegetables cook they release some liquid.  Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown and a skewer inserted in the middle will come out clean. 

On the Stereo:
Mermaids in the Well: Kavisha Mazzella

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Sirens Kiosk, St Leonards and the National Celtic Festival, Portarlington

On the King's Birthday weekend, when we went to stay the night with my parents in Geelong, our first destination was the Bellarine Peninsula, first to the lovely Sirens Kiosk in St Leonards for lunch and then to the National Celtic Festival in Portarlington to enjoy some Celtic music and crafts.  It was a drizzling as we drove there and then as we entered St Leonard's the sun came out.  This was welcome when we arrived at the Sirens Kiosk with its outdoor seating.

When I told my mum we were going to St Leonards she said there was not much there.  Sylvia had other ideas after reading about this cute little kiosk.  It is a small booth at the start of the pier with some simple tables and chairs and a great view of the sea.

Sylvia prefers plant based milks so she was happy that there are no extra charges for this option.  The display cabinet has lots of tempting treats: Caramel Anzac Slice, Banana Danish, Lemon Butter Berry Cookie, Brownie Boy Cookie Pie, Raspberry Rosewater White Chocolate Meringues and more.  I also saw someone giving their dogs very cute paw shaped biscuits.

Sylvia had been looking forward to the iced strawberry matcha latte; they also have a warm variation of this drink.  It came with freeze-dried strawberries sprinkled on top.  I had a hot chocolate which came with a huge marshmallow on top.  Sylvia enjoyed her strawberry matcha but noted it was sweeter than her favourite one in Melbourne.  The Sirens drink was more like a strawberry milk with a bit of matcha than a matcha latte with some strawberry puree.  I liked my hot chocolate.  It was lovely to have a hot drink on a cool day.

She also had the toasted and buttered banana bread.  It was very nice but not fully toasted as we had hoped and parts of it were cold.

Far more pleasing were the jaffles.  I ordered a spaghetti jaffle.  We always called them jaffles when I was a kid and I remember toasting them in a jaffle iron over the fire at a holiday house.  (My dad also remembers jaffles fondly but think they should be round!)  It seems more common to call them toasties these days.  I now rarely have tinned spaghetti with tomato sauce but it was something we loved as kids.  Tinned spaghetti in a jaffle is a childhood comfort food for me.  And it was the right time of year for a hot lunch.

Sylvia loved my jaffle so much that she ordered the cheese and baked beans jaffle.  Did I mention that the jaffles came with salted crisps.  This one was also great and warming. Sylvia rated it very highly.

Then we had a walk along the pier where I bumped into a former colleague.  Sylvia and I didn't have time for a walk on the sand but if we hadn't had other plans perhaps we would have done so.

As we drove back through St Leonards I saw this nostalgic street art that harked back to old milkbars.  I loved the kid climbing over the wall (top left on above photo) and the coloured fly strips on the doorway.  The pelican on the rubbish tin below is also a lovely bit of artwork.

We then headed to the National Celtic Festival.  (Only a 10 minute drive away.)  This is a festival we have visited quite a few times over the years.  This year I put my name down to volunteer but a cold and cough in the week or two before meant that it did not seem wise to stand around for a hours in the cold.  It was disappointing that I had to pull out.  Instead we had a quick visit to look around the festival.

When we arrived, we heard the poignant strains of the bagpipes.  We walked up the hill and stopped to listen to the Geelong RSL Pipes and Drums play on a patch of land overlooking the sea.  Then, with the Scottish vibe, we headed to Mowatts Scottish food truck and had a tattie scone each.  It was nice but not as freshly crisp as we have had.  

We would have liked to have some of the other food but were full from our jaffles.  If I had had more space in my tummy, I would have loved to have tried the special festival toastie at the Splatters food truck.  It had potatoes, caramelised onions and a blue cheese.  Splatters has a cheese train (like a sushi train) in Pakington Street in Geelong that I would love to visit one day!

This piper scarecrow was on display to promote a scarecrow from the Great Australian Scarecrow Competition.  Apparently some people do not like bagpipes!  Maybe birds don't either.

As we weren't hungry, we had a look around the craft market.  It is one of the nice places to visit when we don't purchase a ticket.  We could also hear the occasional tune from one of the performance tents or a busker.  The grass was damp and I heard someone say they were tired of all the rain.

This collage gives a glimpse of the creativity and gorgeousness on show.  Garden gnomes dressed as members of the band Kiss, macrame, knitting, warm beanies, shamrock baby shoes, clothes, jewellery, artwork and honey bears.

We were quite taken by the crochet stall.  Sylvia really loved the positive potatoes, especially the one at the back with the top hat.  Seeing all these beautiful crochet flowers makes me wish I could crochet.  I tried it last winter and did not get far but maybe some day I will get the hang of it.

Likewise I wished I could make such beautiful small fairy houses like the ones of display at this lovely stall.  This was the stall with garden gnomes and fairies among other things.  A little girl came up with a $5 note and asked to buy a fairy well but the stall holder graciously told her she needed more money.  Last I saw the little girl was looking at the tiny bottles of fairy dust.

The last stall we looked at was the honey stall.  This is where the honey was sold in tiny bear bottles.  The range of flavoured honey was amazing.  The straws of honey with different fruit flavours were tempting.  Instead of purchasing we went to the honey tasting.  I had to taste the chocolate honey.  It was very good.  Sylvia really liked the creamed honey.  I was surprised as I have always found the idea of creamed honey quite odd.

We sat for a bit watching some Irish dancing.  The discipline and stamina of the dancers is amazing.

On our way back to the car, we walked past the playground where Sylvia used to play when she was younger.  I am not sure they had all those sculptures at that time.  This dolphin sculpture is quire lovely and kids enjoy climbing it.  If you look closely you will see a head of a little boy who is making his way up it.

As we left we had a lovely view of the You Yangs mountain ranges and the sun struggling to shine through the grey clouds.  We decided the patch of the light on the water looked like some sort of alien activity.  After all we have seen enough tv shows where everyone enjoys a village event while something odd happens nearby unseen by almost all.  We were in the right place as observers to see what was going on at the festival and around.

Sirens (Miss Buzz) Kiosk
The Foreshore (entrance to pier)
St Leonards, Bellarine Peninsula
Open: Mon, Thurs, Fri 8.30am-2pm, Sat, Sun 8.30am-2.30pm

National Celtic Festival
Friday 7th - Monday 10th June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

Van Loons Nursery Cafe, Wallington, Geelong

On the weekend we had lunch at Van Loons Nursery Cafe in the outer east of Geelong.  It was a delicious lunch in the glassed in verandah surrounded by plants both inside and out.  I had a good choice of meals with both vegetarian options on the specials board and a separate plant based menu.  After lunch we enjoyed perusing the plants in the the nursery.

We were glad we booked when we arrived and the person in front of us was told she had to wait for a table.  Our booking was for an indoors table but we were between inside and out in the glassed in verandah.  We were protected from sun and rain overhead and from the winds but there were it was not totally enclosed.  You can see in the above photo that there is a green blanket on the back of chair.  I appreciated placing my blanket over my knees because there were some cool drafts.  I was near one of the stand headers so I was warm up top.

The menu had a note to ask for a plant based menu, which we did.  These days, plant based menus are great, especially for me because I don't like eggs but I sometimes wish for the option of cheese without paying for extras.  The plant based menu gave options for many of the dishes on the main menu without the meat, eggs and dairy: porridge, smashed avo, nourish bowl, vegie burger and paella.  The plant based meals are slightly cheaper but had less proteins.

I ordered the Plant Based Breakfast ($26): Seeded toast, roasted tomato, hash browns, mushrooms, baby spinach, avocado, baked beans, red onion & tomato salsa, tomato relish.  It was a big and beautiful plate.  So much good food!  I feel bad to criticise such a lovely big meal but I have quibbles.  While I am not generally a fan of mock meat, I would have liked some vegie sausages (after I had so many with fry ups in the UK recently).  I found the tomatoes a little under ripe.  The seeded toast was lovely but I would prefer it served on the side so I don't feel obliged to try and cut it with a knife and fork.  (This seems a trend in cafes lately and I must be developing a lot of muscles sawing through the crusts.)  Despite all of this, it was delicious with lots of nice vegies and crisp hash browns, all brought together with the beans. 

Sylvia was pleased with her Potato and Herb Rosti ($27): with poached egg, smashed avocado and goats cheese.  Her plate looks a bit lacking, which I assume is because she asked for it without bacon.  She was pleased to add some vegies from my plate, especially the mushrooms.  There was a vegan version on the Plant Based Menu but it had baby spinach and roasted tomato instead of the bacon, poached egg, and goats cheese.  Sylvia decided that two out of three aint bad!  She raved about how good it was with a crispy unseasoned rosti, lots of avocado and the runny egg yolk all brought together by the wonderful soft salty goats cheese.  I was surprised that hers cost one dollar more than mine. 

The soup on the specials blackboard was called Bread Soup ($20): it had roasted red peppers and tomatoes with croutons, served with toasted ciabatta and herb & garlic butter.  I had a mouthful of the bowl that my parents ordered to share.  It was chunky and full of flavour.

My parents also shared a sweet waffle ($27) with fresh berries, sweet dukkah, maple syrup in a little jug, lemon curd and fresh whipped cream in pretty swirls.  It looked beautiful and was enjoyed.  I didn't taste it but Sylvia sampled the cream and says it was delicious.

We resisted the rocky road hot chocolate on the specials board.  Instead we drank apple juice, kombucha and coffees.

When it was time to pay, I had a look at the indoor space.  It seemed more crowded that the verandah but was cosy with hanging plants and vases of flowers.

Most of the sweet food is inside.  The sweets cabinet had a great variety including cheesecakes, friands, slices, banana bread, roulade, macarons and lemon meringue pie.  Many of these would be part of the high teas.  For those wanting a larger dessert, the specials blackboard offered rocky road waffles.

For those who wanted to take food home, there were local and gourmet groceries to purchase.  You can also see the pile of scones to the right of the above photo.  It would be great to return to have tea and scones because they looked huge and fluffy.

Here is a peek of the outdoors area where meals in the finer weather would be lovely among all the plants.  Despite the sun in the photo, it was not a warm day when we visited.

Once we had eaten our lunch, we had a wander around the nursery.  It is not the cheapest place to buy plants and pots but they are very beautiful to peruse.

Despite it being winter, there were colourful flowers to admire.

There were lots of large pots on sale around this fountain.

Nearby are more pots by a rather impressive wrought iron pergola.

On the other side of herb and vegetables seedlings shed are these purple pots so beautiful arranged in curved rows.

We looked at the native plants, chose a correa for our back yard and headed past the indoor displays.  Inside we found more plants and garden decorations including a bunch of wonderful large metal poppies on sticks.

We were ready to go by now and had very little time to admire the succulents in these cute pots before making out purchases and heading home.  It was quite a trip from home for us so it might be some time before we are able to visit again but I am glad to have been there.

Van Loons Nursery Cafe
405 Grubb Road, Wallington, Geelong
9am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday. 9am – 5pm weekends

Monday 10 June 2024

Old Man Drew: a garden cafe in Ascot Vale

We were delighted to find the creative garden oasis in the city at Old Man in December and last month visited again on a gloriously sunny day.  The food is lovely but all the better for the beautiful surroundings.  The above photo is of the space with umbrellas suspended above a green house.  It would have been a wonderful place to eat but there is a tyranny of choices of amazing spaces.  Each feels lush with greenery, thoughtful with details and a complete delight.

Even the walls are green and the fence is full of greenery.  The garden is so full of life that it can barely be contained by the wrought iron railings.

This ceramic pumpkin is one of the sights to greet us on our first visit.  When we later peeked inside we could see a little fairy in a tiny bed.  The garden is strewn with such adorable details with the presence of wee fairies, and clever hands have crafted something magical out of found objects and historic detritus.  On our second visit, we saw the pumpkin again but the bed had fallen down. Like all gardens, the place is constantly evolving.

In the midst of the garden is a rusty old truck.  It is like discovering a secret garden with an intriguing history.  The plants and tables are arranged around it as it if was always there.  We thought we might sit at this table on our first visit with my parents but decided to move to a more shady space.

Moving meant leaving this cute little insect hotel.  One of the signs says "fly in, fly out".  It is so clever, and thoughtful and beautifully arranged.  Moving also means more discoveries.  It seems like every time we turned a corner we would find something else to delight us.

This was our new more shady, and more distressed, table.  On a warm summer day, all the greenery makes it feel cooling and calming.

I had a Cranberry Spritz ($10.00) of fresh fruit, mint, cranberry juice, and lemonade.  It was lovely and refreshing.  I liked how this spritz was included in the cocktails with non-alcoholic next to it.  Who of us who does not want an alcoholic drink has not read the cocktail list just for fun!  Sylvia had a Soy Iced Coffee, my dad had a Cold Pressed Pink Juice of apple, strawberry, lemon, mint, and pear, and my mum went for a flat white.

I ordered the Avo Toast ($24.00): smashed avocado on toasted sourdough with grilled roma tomato,
asparagus spears, capsicum jam, crumbled feta, dukkah and fresh lemon.  I was pleased that the egg was an optional extra rather than part of the meal because when you don't like egg, it seems to be all over breakfast and lunch menus.  Sylvia loved eggs and had the poached eggs on toast with an edible flower garnish.  My mum had a chicken and brie sandwich and my dad had the Moroccan lamb salad.  We were all very pleased with our meals.

On my second visit, with Sylvia and E, we again started at a small round table and decided to move to a bigger table.  We welcomed the autumnal sunshine as we ordered drinks.  Sylvia had a Summer Peach Iced Tea, E had a Latte, and I had a Cold Pressed Green Juice ($9) with apple, kale, pineapple, cucumber, mint and spinach.  My drink was a lovely combination of sweetness and earthiness.

On my first visit I had been tempted by the OMD Green Fritters.  I didn't resist the fritters on this second visit and ordered the OMD Veggie Fritters $25.00: corn, zucchini, kale, and sweet potato fritters, with
smashed avo, tomato and herb salsa, and house made capsicum jam.  Again I was pleased that the egg was an optional extra.  These were vegetarian and gluten free.  I really loved these fritters, perhaps more than my smashed avo.  E had fried eggs on toast and we ordered a bowl of chips to share.

Sylvia had the Brioche French Toast ($24.00) with berry infused mascarpone, decadent chocolate fudge
sauce, fresh berries and Canadian Maple syrup.  It was indeed indulgent and she loved it.  It is so easy to enjoy a meal in such beautiful surroundings. 

After we finished out meal, we walked through the gardens and buildings, enjoying exploring the spaces.  I wondered at how much work goes into tending all the plants and craft.  There are succulents and flowers and ferns everywhere.  Little fairy nooks are filled with miniature lives.  Colourful toadstools vie for attention among ceramic chooks and frogs.  Brilliant orange fish swim in an old bathtub.  An old trough with a mangle is decorated with mosaic tiles.  Old floral plates are glued around mirrors.  Flowers are made out of old glass plates and cups.  There is no end to the creativity and beauty.

Not only is the garden amazing but there are many wonderful spaces inside the old brick building that was originally a 1868 grocery store servicing miners en route to the goldfields.  It took on different uses over the years and a century after being built, it was purchased by the Drew Family where they ran Vic Drew Used Trucks.  (This explains the old truck in the garden!)  The business remains elsewhere today but the Drew Family have renovated the building as a cafe that is both a memorial to the old days and a beautiful cafe that appeals to instagrammers capturing the zeitgeist.

A glass-ceilinged patio that leads from the garden to the counter.  If you head in to pay, you are most likely to be distracted by so much to see.  Mirrors, statues and draping vines adorn the old brick walls.  There is a balcony here, though we were not quite sure if there is a public space upstairs.

By the counter are displays of food.  Cakes and slices are on display in the refrigerated cabinet.  Did I mention that they also do high teas?  Beside thee fridge are plates of croissants, scones, biscuits, chocolates and more.

An abundance of choice is available around the counter.  When we were there in December, there were lots of Christmas foods, old fashioned Santas and decorations for the tree.  There is plenty of temptation when it is not the season for gifting.  Opposite the counter are shelves of teapots, cups and saucers, jewellery, hanging decorations and all manner of marvels that are all for sale.

In December, as in this photo, the inside dining area was rather full.  It is lovely with old fashioned pictures, a dresser of crockery, an ancient cash register and plants aplenty, including in an old scale.  In May, it was fairly quiet because most of the customers were making the most of the sunshine outside.

On one wall is a little history corner of the Drew family, especially Victor Drew, World War I veteran and founder of the truck business.  Victor, who ran the business with his son Bill, is the eponymous Old Man Drew.  It is worth stopping by to read about him and look over the old photos and documents.

Downstairs is the cellar that would have seen a lot of items come and go from groceries to the drinks from when it was a wine bar. It has what must be the original old stone walls which can be admired from an old couch or a long table with what looks like an old church pew.  It looks like a place for a large family or a group of old friends to gather with glasses of wine raised in a toast, big shared plates of food and much laughter.

By the main dining room is a smaller more private room with another lovely old leather couch and a stag's head over the mantelpiece.  A room for gentlemen and cigars!  Not a place for vegan gatherings!

Then it was back outside to continue exploring the garden.  We admired the upcyling of items such as old nails used as stamens of metal flowers, old purple bottles made into hanging flowers, a bird cage filled with flowers, and tea cups catching the sun on a string of pearls.  There are many places we would like to sit next time and I am sure there are yet many other delights to discover.

Old Man Drew
359-361 Mount Alexander Road
Ascot Vale, VIC, 3032
Open 7 days a week 8am-3pm