Thursday 6 February 2020

In My Kitchen: February 2020

February means back to school, back to work, balmy evenings and simple hot weather food.  Last week when the kids went back to school we had two scorchers including a 43 C day.  Then on the weekend we had torrential rain.  I feel like I got a lot done over January.  Moving furniture around, cleaning and sleeping.  Good to have a rest before being back to work and back to having very little time.  So not much complicated cooking but we are eating some good food.

Above is the rice paper rolls we made one holiday lunchtime.

These cute cat dipping bowls have been in good use with rice paper rolls and sushi.

And when we ran out of rice paper roll wrappers I just had noodles, vegies and ponzu sauce.  Yes, we are eating lots of ponzu sauce!

After I accidentally bought the book I had requested for Christmas and asked for a book for Sylvia that she already had, we ended up with Dymocks bookstore vouchers.  It was a fun trip with so many good books.  But I had been putting out quite a lot of books when tidying up my bookshelves so I bought this gorgeous plate to use frequently!
Sylvia has been making herself healthy packed lunches for school.  Her mango looks so pretty it makes me wish I liked the fruit!

We have had a lot of summer fruit.  Every now and again I cut it into fruit salad.  This one was made with lots of stone fruit from my brother in law's fruit trees.

This is a meal I made over summer with pasta in tomato sauce, vegetarian sausages, lettuce and snow peas.  As an aside, I have found that now there is so much vegan food in the supermarkets, it is harder to find vegetarian sausages which have always been a great standby for meals.

We baked for a school cake sale to raise money for bushfire victims.  I made some tahini rice bubble slice that was so bad I had to bin it.  But the classic old vegan chocolate cupcakes worked fine.  I thoroughly checked that the Queen unicorn confetti sprinkles were vegan before including them.  Sylvia made honey joys and grubs.

These florentines were made to use up corn flakes, dried fruit and nuts and choc chips in the pantry.  They were pretty good but most of the chocolate got bloom.  I had been under the mistaken belief that choc chips didn't bloom but obviously I was wrong!

This is one of my favourite meals this week.  Warmed basmati rice, chopped cabbage, red cabbage, snow peas and grated carrot, roast cashews and ponzu sauce.  I told you we are loving ponzu.  It is light and flavoursome and an easy satisfying seasoning!

I am sending this post to Sherry of Sherry's Pickings for the In My Kitchen event, that was started by Celia of Fig Jam and Lime Cordial,  If you would like to join in, send your post to Sherry by 13th of the month.  Or just head over to her blog and visit more kitchens.


  1. I've never tried ponzu sauce but it sounds delicious- loving the look of that colorful rice bowl.

  2. Love your plate and the dipping bowls!

  3. I have rice paper rolls with good intentions of making rolls, then i see yours and am reminded. Dipping bowls are sweet. Never had ponzu sauce and its because of you i have heard of it. I think i have a recipe of yours bookmarked to make too. The bird plate is so stunning.

  4. Ponzu sauce is one of my favorites too, especially as a salad dressing. When I have it, I over-use it, so I've been Ponzu-free for a while. It's probably time to go back to it.

    Very nice new kitchen things you have this month!

    best... mae at

  5. your florentines look fabulous! as do the rice paper rolls. we are having lots of rain atm after many hot hot days. what a country - floods, fires, rain, drought... that plate is lovely as are the dipping bowls. so cute. thanks for joining in, and have a great FEb. cheers sherry

  6. Mmm ponzu sauce! I love the Look of those rice paper rolls too

  7. I see why that’s a favorite meal with the basmati rice and cabbages....that is pretty as well as delicious I’ll bet.

  8. Those cat bowls really are cute! I approve. I also wholeheartedly approve of cupcakes and summer rolls. I long for a bit of summer to make its way along these shores!


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